Sunday 17 March 2019

ESS Schedule Processes SQL Query in Oracle Cloud: SQL Query to Extract ESS Schedule Processes

ESS Schedule Processes SQL Query in Oracle Cloud: SQL Query to Extract ESS Schedule Processes

ESS jobs in Oracle Cloud is similar like concurrent Programs in Oracle apps EBS. We do register reports in Oracle Cloud as a ESS so that we can run these reports from Cloud applications. In Oracle Cloud , we run the ESS jobs as a Schedule Processes similar like concurrent Requests in Oracle cloud. We often need sql query to extract the details of all the requests submitted in Oracle cloud application. Here below I am sharing the ESS jobs Important Tables and the SQL query to extract the Details of the ESS jobs submitted in the Oracle cloud Application.
ESS Schedule Processes SQL Query in Oracle Cloud: SQL Query to Extract ESS Schedule Processes

Important tales of ESS Schedule Processes SQL Query in Oracle Cloud


SQL Query to Extract ESS Schedule Processes

SELECT       erh.*,erh.requestid, (CASE
              WHEN state = 1 THEN 'Wait'
              WHEN state = 2 THEN 'Ready'
              WHEN state = 3 THEN 'Running'
              WHEN state = 4 THEN 'Completed'
              WHEN state = 9 THEN 'Cancelled'
              WHEN state = 10 THEN 'Error'
              WHEN state = 12 THEN 'Succeeded'
              WHEN state = 13 THEN 'Paused'
              ELSE TO_CHAR (state)
    FROM fusion.ess_request_history erh, fusion.ess_request_property erp
   WHERE     1 = 1
         AND erh.requestid = erp.requestid
         AND = 'report_url'
         AND erp.VALUE LIKE '/Custom/XX BIP Report.xdo' --report path in the ess job defination--
ORDER BY erh.requestid,erp.VALUE  DESC


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