Thursday 2 January 2020

Oracle po Approval limit query

Oracle po Approval limit query

In this post , We will be discuss about Oracle PO Approval limit query. PO approval limit query help to extract the PO approval limit created for each approval group in oracle. We do create the PO approval limit for Purchase order approval and then assign the PO approval limit to the positions. PO approval limit we do create for the PO approval position hierarchies in oracle. This query will help to share all the detail po approval limit information created in oracle. Here below is the detail Oracle po Approval limit query.

Oracle po Approval limit query

Tables Used by Oracle po Approval limit query


Detail SQL Oracle po Approval limit query

Here below is the detail sql which will help to extract the PO approval limit data from oracle.

SELECT  po_cntr_grp.control_group_name "Approver Group Name",
po_cntr_rule.rule_type_code "Approver Group Type",
 po_cntr_rule.amount_limit "PO Approval Limit Amount"
        (  segment1_low
         || '.'
         || segment2_low
         || '.'
         || segment3_low
         || '.'
         || segment4_low
         || '.'
         || segment5_low
         || '.'
         || segment6_low
        ) From_gl_account_range,
        (   segment1_high
         || '.'
         || segment2_high
         || '.'
         || segment3_high
         || '.'
         || segment4_high
         || '.'
         || segment5_high
         || '.'
         || segment6_high
        )  To_gl_account_range,
   FROM apps.po_control_rules po_cntr_rule,
   apps.po_control_groups_all po_cntr_grp
  WHERE po_cntr_grp.control_group_id =  po_cntr_rule.control_group_id

Oracle po Approval limit query


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