Thursday 2 January 2020

PO approval setup in oracle apps r12

PO approval setup in oracle apps r12

In this post, we will discuss about the PO approval setup in oracle apps r12. PO approval setup helps to configure the po approval process in oracle apps. In po approval process, PO sent to approvers for the approvals and approvers can approve and reject the po as per the need. PO approval helps to put the control on the PO creation and no PO can create in oracle apps without approval. PO Approval setup helps to put the more clarity in the PO creation and fake PO's can be easily tracked using PO approval. Here below is the detail explanation of PO approval setup in oracle apps r12.

3 Ways to configure the PO approval setup in oracle apps r12.

1.Positions Hierarchy
2.Employee/Supervisor Hierarchy
2.Approval through AME (Approval Management Engine)

Positions Hierarchy: - 

In the Position Hierarchy Approval Process, we need to create JOB and Positions for the Employees and then Assign these Job and Position to the Employee. This way we configure the Approval Hierarchy Though Positions.

Supervisor Hierarchy: -

 In the Supervisor Hierarchy, Purchase Order approval process moves through Employee supervisor.
For Example: - If A Is the employee and this supervisor is B and B supervisor is C . When A will submit the Purchase Order then it move to first B for Approver and after approved from B it move to C for Supervisor. In the same case, If B will submit the purchase Order then It move to C for Approver.

AME: -

 AME full form is Approval Management Engine. It is the more advanced kind of Approval Configuration Tool. In this tool, We can configure the approval, with any conditions. If can put business Conditions there and according to that we can configure the approval process.
In AME, we can use Positions and Supervisor hierarchy together.
In This Example We will configure Position based Approval Hierarchy for Purchase Orders.
To setup position base hierarchy following are the setup need to be done
·         Define Job
·         Define Position
·         Assign Job and position to the employee
·         Define approval group
·         Assign approval group to the position
·         Define Position hierarchy
·         Run Report “Fill Employee Hierarchy”

Step by Step to configure the po approval setup in oracle apps r12

Step1 :- Go to Purchasing Super User Responsibility: -
Purchasing, vision Corporation> Setup>Personal>Jobs

Here define Jobs as Manager Finance and Executive Finance.
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12

PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Go to Purchasing Super User.
Purchasing, vision corporation>Personal>Positions

Define Positions (Manager Finance and Executive Finance) and assign the Job.
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Navigate to Responsibility
Human Resources, Vision Corporation>People> Enter and Maintain
Create new employees as below First Employee and Last Employee. Also assign positions which are configured above.
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Created First Employee
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Created Second Employee.
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Purchasing, Vision Corporation> Setup>Approvals>Approval Groups

Approval limits in oracle purchasing

Here Define approval Group and approval limits.
Created Approval Group for First Employee (Manager) unlimited amount

PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Created Approval Group for Second Employee (Executive) for amount 1000.
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Assign approval Group First Employee to the Position 'Manager Finance'
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Repeat the step above for Second Employee
Assign approval Group Second Employee to the Position 'Executive Finance'
Purchasing Super User, vision Corporation> Setup>Personal>Position Hierarchy
Here set the Position Hierarchy. Manger Finance is in first position having subordinates Executive Finance.
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
Purchasing, vision Corporation >Setup>Purchasing> Document Type
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12
PO approval setup in oracle apps r12

PO approval setup in oracle apps r12


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