Tuesday 31 March 2020

VO extension in oaf

VO extension in oaf

In this post , We will be discuss about VO extension in oaf. VO extension in oaf means , we are going to change the standard oaf page to see some additional informations in oracle oaf page. In OAF page, VO objects works behind to populate the data in the oaf page. In  VO extension , We do change or extend that VO object to see some additional information in the oaf Page. In short , in VO extension we do change the standard VO , to add some new columns in the view object to see some additional information in OAF page. VO extension completely supported in OAF. We can do the extension in the standard VO , to add some new columns in the oaf page. Here below is the complete detail about VO extension in oaf.

8 Important Steps in VO extension in oaf

1. Identify that Which VO we need to Extend
2. Download the VO from Oracle Java_Top Location to Your Local Desktop under My Projects folder of Your JDev setup.
3.Then We create New view Object(VO) which extends the Standard View Object.
4.Then We substitute the New Custom View Object with the Standard View Object.
5.Then we upload the New Custom View Object to Oracle Java_Top Location.
6.Then we Register the New View Object in the Oracle application Through XML Importer script.
8.After Import/Register , We add the new field in the OAF page through Personalization and then give reference in this Field for the New Custom View Object(VO).

Steps to Implement VO extension in oaf

Step1:- First Go to your OAF page in the application , in which you will do View Object Extension.
This is the Page in which we will do View Extension. Here I want to display the DFF attribute5 in this Track Submitted Expense Reports Status Window.
VO extension in oaf

Step2:- To see the Properties of this Page and to know which View Object is working behind this Page. for this we need to go to 'About this Page' in the Bottom of the Page.
VO extension in oaf
Step3:- Click on the Expand All option and in the Controller Section you can see the Controller Name
VO extension in oaf
Step4:-Click '+' icon for Business Components References Details.
VO extension in oaf
Step5:- This is the Location of the View Object under Java_Top under which you will do Extension.
VO extension in oaf
 Now you get to know that where is your Standard View Object is Placed in the Oracle application Under Java_Top.

Then you Need to go to Server Under Java_Top then Under Java_Top follow the same path 'oracle/apps/ap/oie/webui/' and copy the 'TrackExpesneReportsVO' from Server to your Local Desktop.

One Important Thing.

You need to create the same path in your JDev folder under' 'jdevhome'
Under JdevHome there is MyProjects' folder under this folder you have to Create same folder structure like oracle/apps/ap/oie/server/' and then this copied file 'TrackExpesneReportsVO' in this Location.

The rule is you have to create same folder structure like the Folder Structure created for The Standard Controller in the Application server Java_Top.

VO extension in oaf

Step6:-This is the steps you have to implement before doing Start Extension in the JDeveloper.

Step7:- Now open the JDeveloper.

VO extension in oaf

Step8:- Now we will create OA Workspace and Project to do Controller Extensions.

VO extension in oaf

Step9:- Give the Name of OA Workspace. Click Ok.
Extension steps for vo

Step10:- Now Give the Name of the Project same like OA workspace.
Package Path:- Choose the same like Standard View Object but choose the application Top start with xx like this this change 'xxap'.
VO extension in oaf

Step11:- Then Finish this Project.
VO extension in oaf

Step12:- Now you can see your OAF Project has been completed. Now we will do Controller Extension under this Project.
VO extension in oaf
VO extension in oaf

Step13:- Creation of VO Extension in oaf
Now right Click on the Project as below and click New.
VO extension in oaf
VO extension in oaf

Step14:- Now Create View Object as below :-
VO extension in oaf

Step15:- Create Extended VO Name and select the Package.
Now select the Standard VO which you want to Extend Click on the Browse Button under Extends as below and Select the Standard View Object 'TrackExpesneReportsVO'  which we want to Extend in this VO Extension.
VO extension in oaf
Select the same path under which your Standard Controller Placed in the Jdevhome folder MyProjects folder.
VO extension in oaf

Step17:- Select the 'TrackExpesneReportsCO' Standard Page Controller.

VO extension in oaf
Step18:- This is the Extended view Object Final Screen Click Next.
VO extension in oaf

Step19:- This is The Query working for the Standard View Object. Copy the Query of the View Object in the Toad.
VO extension in oaf

Step20:- Now Add the Custom column 'Attribute5' which you want to display in the OAF Page. Always add the New Column in the Last.
VO extension in oaf
Step21:-Paste the Changed Sql query in the VO Object and Click Next.
VO extension in oaf

Step22:-Select the required Check Box and click Finish.
VO extension in oaf

Step23:- This is the Extended VO created As Below.
VO extension in oaf

Step24:- Now We will do Substitution of this Custom view Object.
Right click on the Project and Click Project Properties.
VO extension in oaf

Go to the Substitutions:-

VO extension in oaf

VO extension in oaf
VO extension in oaf
VO extension in oaf

Step23:- Move the VO file in Java_Top and then Import this View Object with the Help of this Script.
java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xxap/oie/server/ TrackExpenseReportsVOEx.xml -rootdir $JAVA_TOP -username apps -password apps -dbconnection " (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=server name)(PORT=100001))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=SID NAME)))"
Step24:- Now again go Back to the Web page in application where we want to do this View Object Extension. Now Click on the 'Personalize Link' Highlighted below.

VO extension in oaf
Step24:- Now click on Create Item Icon as below to add new field in the View Object.

VO extension in oaf

Step25:- Create Item with Style 'Message Styled Text'.

VO extension in oaf

Step26:- Give the Item Properties as below.
VO extension in oaf

Step27:- Give the name of the Extended View Object  in View Instance and the Name of your New View object Column in the View Attribute as below.
VO extension in oaf

Step28:- Now we can see below Tracking No. field displaying in the OAF Expense Home Page.
VO extension in oaf


Nisha said...

client have modified the standard VO without creating custom in 12.1.3,
we have the requirement to move the same in 12.2.10 upgrade instance, how can we achive

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