Saturday 2 May 2020

Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections

Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections

In this post, We will be discuss about Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections. We do get Invalid pay method error in AP interface , when we are importing the supplier Invoices without defining the pay method setup in the supplier master. IF we are not providing the Pay method for AP invoices in the Interface then system defaults the pay method from supplier master. So we are not providing the pay method in ap interface and even not maintained the pay method in supplier master then that supplier invoices do reject with the error message invalid pay method in ap interface rejections. Here below i will share detail steps to maintained the pay method in the supplier master to stop Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections.

Solution for Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections

Step1:- Go to Supplier Master and find out the required supplier.

Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections
Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections

Step2:-  Here below , we need to define the pay method. At least one payment method , we need to select in the supplier master.
Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections
Invalid pay method in ap interface Rejections


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