Wednesday 13 May 2020

Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables

Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables

In this post , We will be discuss about Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables. Oracle fusion fixed assets tables helps to store the fusion fixed asset module data in oracle fusion. Using Fusion fixed assets tables , we develop the custom Fusion BIP reports. Fusion fixed assets tables helps to extract the data from oracle fusion application. We will share most important Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables.There are many fixed asset tables available in oracle fusion but some of the tables are quite important which do store the most relevant fixed asset information’s in oracle fusion. Here below I will be share some of these important Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables.

Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables
Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables

12 Most Important Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables

5.       FA_BOOKS

Detail Explanation of Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables

FA_ADDITIONS_B :- In this table we will get the asset descriptive information’s in oracle fusion.

FA_ADJUSTMENTS :- In this table , we do get the Asset Adjustment information’s if happened for the asset in oracle fusion.This information used by the posting program to generate journal entry lines in general ledger

FA_ASSET_HISTORY :- In this Table , We will get the old Asset Information’s before adjustment like Historical information about asset reclassification and unit adjustments

FA_ASSET_INVOICES :- This table to find out the AP Invoice and PO against which the asset got created in system. Accounts payable and purchasing information for each asset

FA_BOOKS :- This table help to find out the  Financial information of each asset

FA_CALENDAR_PERIODS:- This table help to find out the Detailed calendar information

FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS: -  Default financial information for an asset category and depreciation book combination

FA_DEPRN_DETAIL:- We will get the Asset depreciation information like Depreciation amounts charged to the depreciation expense account in each distribution line.

FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY :- Depreciation information at the asset level

Important SQL Query Using Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables

SELECT fa.asset_number,
  FROM        ap_invoices_all              aia,
       ap_invoice_lines_all         aila,
       ap_invoice_distributions_all aida,
fa_additions                 fa,
       fa_asset_invoices            fai
WHERE fai.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
   AND aia.invoice_id = aila.invoice_id
   AND aia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
   AND aila.line_number = aida.invoice_line_number
   AND fai.invoice_line_number = aila.line_number
   AND fai.invoice_distribution_id = aida.invoice_distribution_id
   AND fai.asset_id = fa.asset_id
   AND fa.asset_number = :P_ASSET_NO

Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets tables


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