Monday, 22 June 2020

Supplier Interface error table in oracle apps

Supplier Interface error table in oracle apps

In this post , We are going to discuss about Supplier Interface error table in oracle apps. In supplier interface error table , we can find out the supplier rejected records and the rejected reasons during supplier import. In Oracle apps , we don't have the supplier interface error tables separately but we can find out the details about supplier rejected records itself in the main supplier interface tables. We can directly find out the supplier interface error details in the supplier interface tables. Here below we will provide you more detail about Supplier Interface error table in oracle apps.

Supplier Interface error table in oracle apps
Supplier Interface error table in oracle apps

2 Important Supplier Interface tables having error details


To find out the Supplier Header Interface error records in Oracle Apps

There are two Important Columns in the ap_suppliers_int interface table which helps to find out the supplier interface error records in oracle apps. 


Here below is the sql query which helps to extract the Supplier header interface error or rejected records.

select reject_code,status from apps.ap_suppliers_int
where status='REJECTED'

To find out the Supplier Site Interface error records in Oracle Apps

There are two Important Columns in the ap_supplier_sites_int interface table which helps to find out the supplier interface error records in oracle apps. 


Here below is the sql query which helps to extract the Supplier sites interface error or rejected records.

select REJECT_CODE,status from apps.ap_supplier_sites_int
where status='REJECTED'

Supplier Interface error table in oracle apps


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