Sunday 2 August 2020

How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps

How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps

Hi Friends, we are going to discuss about copy concurrent program in oracle apps. We will share the detail steps in oracle apps to copy an concurrent program. We have a feature in oracle apps which helps to create the copy of the concurrent program in oracle apps. If we have an requirement to customize the standard concurrent program , then this copy feature is very useful. We don't need to create the customize concurrent program registration manually which involves lots of efforts related to parameters and concurrent program registration instead we can use this copy feature to create the new copy of the standard concurrent program and then we can make the changes as per our requirement in this copied copy. This copy feature saves lot of efforts if we are creating the same type of concurrent program in oracle apps. We don't need to create the parameters manually in the copied program instead this copied program automatically create all the things from the original program. This is really the good feature provided by oracle apps in concurrent programs. Please find below the detail about how to copy concurrent program in oracle apps.

Step by Step to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps

Step 1:- Go to Application Developer responsibility , Then follow this below navigation.

Navigation ==> Concurrent Program ==> Define
How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps
How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps

Step 2:-
For Example , Here below is the Standard Program 'Trial Balance' which we want to copy to create the new customer concurrent program in oracle apps.

We need to click on the Copy Button as highlighted below.
How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps
How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps

Step 3:-
Here , we need to give the name of the new concurrent program.
We have to provided the new Short Name of the Concurrent Program which we want to create from the copied concurrent program.

How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps
How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps

Step4:- Here below , Our New Concurrent Program has been created which is copy from the standard Concurrent Program 'Trial Balance' report.

How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps
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How to copy concurrent program in oracle Apps


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