Sunday 2 August 2020

How to create concurrent program in oracle apps from Backend

How to create concurrent program in oracle apps from Backend

Hi Friends, We are going to discuss about how to create concurrent program in oracle apps from backend. We will share the detail process and the plsql code to create the concurrent program in oracle apps from backend. Oracle has provided the standard API's to create the concurrent program in oracle apps from backend. We just need to use this api and to input the required values related to concurrent program to create in oracle apps. If we have the mass concurrent programs which we want to create or upload from test environment to production environment , then we can use this api to create the concurrent program's in oracle apps from backend. It will really save our time and the huge effort. We will discuss the concurrent program api and then will try to share the plsql code to create concurrent program in oracle apps from backend. Here below is the more detail about how to create concurrent program in oracle apps from backend.

How to create concurrent program in oracle apps from Backend
How to create concurrent program in oracle apps from Backend

API to create Concurrent Program from backend


Step by Step to create concurrent program in oracle apps from backend

Step 1:- Oracle has provided this below API to create concurrent program from backend.


Step 2:- Before using this API , we have already create the concurrent program executable. We are just using the already created Concurrent Program executable 'XX_TEST_PROGRAM' in this API to creating the new concurrent program in oracle apps from backend.

  l_style                    VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_style_required           VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_printer                  VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_request_type             VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_request_type_application VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_enabled                  VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_short_name               VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_description              VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_executable_short_name    VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_executable_application   VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_execution_options        VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_priority                 NUMBER;
  l_save_output              VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_print                    VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_cols                     NUMBER;
  l_rows                     NUMBER;
  l_use_in_srs               VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_allow_disabled_values    VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_run_alone                VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_output_type              VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_enable_trace             VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_restart                  VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_nls_compliant            VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_icon_name                VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_language_code            VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_mls_function_short_name  VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_mls_function_application VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_incrementor              VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_refresh_portlet          VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_program                  VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_application              VARCHAR2 (200);
  l_check                    VARCHAR2 (2);
  l_program                  := 'XX_TEST_PROGRAM';
  l_application              := 'XX Payables';
  l_enabled                  := 'Y';
  l_short_name               := 'XX_TEST_PROGRAM';
  l_description              := 'XX_TEST_PROGRAM';
  l_executable_short_name    := 'XX_TEST_PROGRAM';
  l_executable_application   := 'XX Payables';
  l_execution_options        := NULL;
  l_priority                 := NULL;
  l_save_output              := 'Y';
  l_print                    := 'Y';
  l_cols                     := NULL;
  l_rows                     := NULL;
  l_style                    := NULL;
  l_style_required           := 'N';
  l_printer                  := NULL;
  l_request_type             := NULL;
  l_request_type_application := NULL;
  l_use_in_srs               := 'Y';
  l_allow_disabled_values    := 'N';
  l_run_alone                := 'N';
  l_output_type              := 'TEXT';
  l_enable_trace             := 'N';
  l_restart                  := 'Y';
  l_nls_compliant            := 'Y';
  l_icon_name                := NULL;
  l_language_code            := 'US';
  l_mls_function_short_name  := NULL;
  l_mls_function_application := NULL;
  l_incrementor              := NULL;
  l_refresh_portlet          := NULL;

        (program                       => l_program,
         application                   => l_application,
         enabled                       => l_enabled,
         short_name                    => l_short_name,
         description                   => l_description,
         executable_short_name         => l_executable_short_name,
         executable_application        => l_executable_application,
         execution_options             => l_execution_options,
         priority                      => l_priority,
         save_output                   => l_save_output,
         print                         => l_print,
         cols                          => l_cols,
         ROWS                          => l_rows,
         STYLE                         => l_style,
         style_required                => l_style_required,
         printer                       => l_printer,
         request_type                  => l_request_type,
         request_type_application      => l_request_type_application,
         use_in_srs                    => l_use_in_srs,
         allow_disabled_values         => l_allow_disabled_values,
         run_alone                     => l_run_alone,
         output_type                   => l_output_type,
         enable_trace                  => l_enable_trace,
         restart                       => l_restart,
         nls_compliant                 => l_nls_compliant,
         icon_name                     => l_icon_name,
         language_code                 => l_language_code,
         mls_function_short_name       => l_mls_function_short_name,
         mls_function_application      => l_mls_function_application,
         incrementor                   => l_incrementor,
         refresh_portlet               => l_refresh_portlet
   --To check whether Concurrent Program is registered or not
     SELECT 'Y'
       INTO l_check
       FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
      WHERE concurrent_program_name = 'XX_TEST_PROGRAM';
       IF NVL(l_check,'N')='Y' THEN
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Concurrent Program Registered Successfully');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Concurrent Program Not Registered Successfully');
     END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Concurrent Program Registration Failed');

How to create concurrent program in oracle apps from Backend
How to create concurrent program in oracle apps from Backend

how to create concurrent program in oracle apps from backend


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