Saturday 1 August 2020

Running total in xml publisher reports

Running total in xml publisher reports

Hi friends, We are going to discuss about the Running total in xml publisher reports. We will share the detail steps to create running total in xml publisher reports. We will share the syntax and methods to implement the running total itself in the report template and layout. Running total means when the amount or balance of last row carry forward to the next row and we create the balance amount using the last row balance amounts. Running total helps allot in the Financial reporting and in the trial balances. Running total is very useful in terms of accounting work. We will try to share one example in which we will try to implement the running total in the xml publisher reports in oracle apps. Please find below the detail about running total in xml publisher reports.

Steps to Implement the Running total in xml publisher reports

Step 1:- First of all , here below is the xml file of the report and we will try to generate the running total from CREDIT & DEBIT Columns.

Balance amount will be created from CREDIT-DEBIT.
In the next row Balance amount of previous row will be add like BALANCE_AMOUNT+(CREDIT-DEBIT)

Running total in xml publisher reports
Running total in xml publisher reports

Step 2:- 
Here below is the RTF Template in which we are trying to create the Running Total.
Running total in xml publisher reports
Running total in xml publisher reports

Step 3:- 
First of all we need to set one variable which will always store the balance amount like (CREDIT-DEBIT).

Here below we have create the variable 'BAL'.

<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'BAL', 0)?>

Here below is the 'SETVAR' tag i have created in the template and inside that tag i have put the set variable syntax.

Running total in xml publisher reports
Running total in xml publisher reports

Step 4:- 
Now we will write the actual running total code in the rtf template.

Here below is the syntax we generate the running total in xml publisher reports.

<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'BAL', xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'BAL') +(CREDIT-DEBIT)?>  <?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'BAL')

Here below is the 'BALANCE' tag i have created in the template and inside that tag i have put the running total code to calculate the running balance in the xml reports.

Running total in xml publisher reports
Running total in xml publisher reports

Running total in xml publisher reports


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getting nothing with this

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