Sunday 2 August 2020

Group by multiple columns in rtf Template

group by multiple columns in rtf template

Hi Friends, We are going to discuss about the group by multiple columns in rtf template. We will share the steps for how to use the multiple columns in the group by clause to show the data in the rtf template. If we don't want to disturb the actual data model or data group of the report but we want to create the new data group to show the data then we can use the group by columns in the rtf template itself to show the report data in the form of new grouping. We can group by multiple columns in the rtf template itself. We will show the detail syntax and the idea for how to use the group by with columns in the rtf template. Here below is the detail about Group by multiple columns in rtf Template.

Group by multiple columns in rtf Template

Steps to use Group by multiple columns in rtf Template

Step 1:- Here below is the xml code for our example. In which we are trying to show the supplier invoice data. As of now , there is only single group having supplier and invoice details together as below.
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template

Step 2:- Here below is the RTF template for this above xml in single group.
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
RTF Template after opening the tags.
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template

Step 3:-
Here below is the output of this above xml and rtf template.

Now we want to group by this RTF template interms of supplier , but we don't want to change the report data groups. We want to create the new group in the RTF template itself.
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Step 4:-

Now we want to group by this RTF template interms of supplier , but we don't want to change the report data groups. We want to create the new group in the RTF template itself.

Here below is the syntax i have used to Group by new columns in rtf Template and to create new grouping in the template itself.


<?for-each:current-group()?> and <end for-each?>  is refer for current record based on for-each-group criteria

Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template

Step 5:-
Here below is the new output after the new grouping in the rtf template.
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template

Step 6:- Here below is the syntax to create Group by multiple columns in rtf Template. I am sharing the rtf template overview after this multiple columns group by change .

Group by multiple columns in rtf Template
Group by multiple columns in rtf Template


venu said...

Can you check if the multiple column grouping is working? Coz when I have followed the same syntax it is still grouping by first column specified but not on both

Unknown said...

For the syntax mentioned for multiple column grouping, I followed it and it only groups by the 1st column.

Unknown said...

Step 6 totally not working

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