Friday 27 November 2020

Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Hi friends, we are going to discuss about the difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM. We will discuss these two employees transfer options in Oracle fusion HCM. In Oracle Fusion HCM, We have the option to transfer the employees between LE and outside LE. LE stands for Legal Employer. Oracle has given the different type of transfers processes in fusion hcm as per our business Requirment. In this post , We will completely explain all the employee transfer processes with real time examples in oracle fusion HCM and the step by step approach to do the employees transfer in oracle fusion hcm.

What is transfer in Oracle Fusion HCM ?

When we need to transfer the employee to another business unit but the source and the destination business units , both exists in the same legal entity or employer as per the setup in the oracle fusion hcm then this type of transfer comes under the normal transfer in oracle fusion,

Transfer is the employee transfer with in a single legal entity.

What is Global Transfer in Oracle Fusion HCM ?

When we need to transfer the employee to another business unit but the source and the destination business unit belongs to different legal entity then this type of transfer comes under the global transfer.

Global transfer is the employee transfer between Legal entities.

Working example of difference between transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

For Example , We have three business units BU1 , BU2 & BU3. As per our org structure , BU1 & BU2 comes under the LE1 and BU3 comes under LE2.

Employee EMP1 belongs to BU1 ,Now if we want to transfer the employees to BU2 then this will be the normal local transfer because BU1 & BU2 comes under the same LE LE1 

But if We want to transfer the employees to BU3 then this will be the global transfer because BU1 & BU3 belongs to two different LE LE1 & LE2.

2 Types of transfers in Oracle Fusion HCM

1. Transfer inside Legal Employer (LE).

2. Global Transfer Outside Legal Employer(LE).

Step by Step to perform the Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 1:-  We need to go Navigator ==> My Client Groups ==> Person management.
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 2:-

We need to search the Employee 'Vijay Sharma' , Which we want to transfer to another LE 'ABC LE'. Click on the employee name highlighted as below.

Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 3:-
Here below is the Employee detail , We need to click on the Edit button ==> Update.
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 4:- After Update , We need to select the below values to Transfer an Employee in Oracle Fusion hcm

Action: Global Transfer
Destination Legal Employer: ABC LE.
Copy Primary Assignment Data : No. If we want to copy the old assignment data then we can keep yes.
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 5:-
Here below , We will see this below dialog message , it showing that old employee assignment with old LE is now Inactive.

Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 6:-
Here below , we can change in the employee name and then click next button.
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 7:- Under Employment information , we need to enter the Employee business unit , supervisor , job details. 

Click next.
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 8:-

Under Compensation and other Information's tab , we can enter the expense account details for the employee.

click Next.

Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Step 9:-

In last page , Under Review section , we need to review all the entered informations and then click submit. After that Employee will be transfer in Oracle fusion hcm.
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM
Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM

Difference between Transfer and Global transfer in Fusion HCM



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