Monday 30 August 2021

Supplier Type Lookup Table in Oracle Fusion

Supplier Type Lookup Table in Oracle Fusion

Hi Friends, we are going to discuss about the Supplier type lookup and the table which helps to store these details in oracle fusion. Using these table , you can find the Supplier Type details in oracle fusion. When we create the suppliers in oracle fusion, we do see the list of value showing the Supplier types. These Supplier types , we can add as per requirement. Oracle fusion has provided the lookup which helps to add the new lookup type in oracle fusion. We just need to add the new lookup code and it will start showing in supplier master supplier type field. If we need to get the supplier type from backend tables , we cannot find that details under the POZ suppliers tables. The reason is poz_suppliers table have the supplier_type column but that columns only store the supplier type code. If you want to get the actual supplier type description then you need to use this below lookup table to get the details. Please find below the complete detail about the Supplier Type Lookup Table in Oracle Fusion.

Supplier Type Lookup Table in Oracle Fusion

Lookup to add the new supplier type in Oracle Fusion

We need to go under the Common Lookups and then search the lookup code 'POZ_VENDOR_TYPE' to add the new supplier types values in oracle fusion.


Table to store the Supplier Type details in Oracle Fusion

Using the table , we can extract the supplier Type description with value in oracle fusion.


SQL Query to extract the Supplier Details with Supplier Type in Oracle Fusion

Here below is the sql query, which helps to get the supplier information with supplier type value in oracle fusion.

SELECT PSV.SEGMENT1                              SUPPLIER_NUMBER,
       PSV.VENDOR_NAME                           Supplier_Name,
       flv.meaning         AS Supplier_Type,
       PSC.NAME                                  Contact_Name,
       PSC.EMAIL_ADDRESS                         Contact_Email,
       PSC.PHONE_NUMBER                          Contact_Phone
  FROM POZ_SUPPLIERS_V              PSV,
       HZ_PARTIES                   HZ,
       HZ_LOCATIONS           HZL,
       HZ_PARTY_SITES               HPS,
fnd_lookup_values flv

Supplier Type Lookup Table in Oracle Fusion


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