Friday 15 May 2020

How to compile workflow in oracle apps

How to compile workflow in oracle apps

In this post , We will be discuss about how to compile workflow in oracle apps. We will share the detail steps to compile or upload the workflow in oracle apps. We will share the Upload script which will help to upload the Workflow file in oracle apps database. As such , there is no script to compile the workflow file. We have the upload script which first compile and then update the latest workflow file in oracle apps. Here below , we will share the detail steps to compile workflow in oracle apps.

2 Methods to Upload the Workflow in Oracle Apps

1. Concurrent Program ( Workflow Definitions Loader).
2.Database Script.

Database Script to compile and upload the workflow in oracle apps

To upgrade-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y UPGRADE file.wft
To upload-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y UPLOAD file.wft
To force-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y FORCE file.wft
To download-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD file.wft ITEMTYPE1 [ITEMTYPE2 ... ITEMTYPEN]
0, 20 and 100 are the various Access levels we have in workflow.
The access levels are defined as follows:
  • 0-9: Reserved for Oracle Workflow
  • 10-19: Reserved for Oracle Application Object Library
  • 20-99: Reserved for Oracle E-Business Suite
  • 100-999: Reserved for customer organizations
  • 1000: Public
Different “Modes” applicable to WFLOAD
UPGRADE – Honors both protection and customization levels of data
UPLOAD – Honors only protection level of data [No respect of Customization Level]
FORCE – Force upload regardless of protection or customization level 

First of all we need to attach the 'Workflow Definitions Loader' concurrent request to the desired responsibility in which we want to run this request./

Workflow Definitions Loader' Parameters :-


Specify "Download" to download a process definition from the database to a flat file.

Specify "Upgrade" to apply a seed data upgrade to a database from an input file
Specify "Upload" to load a process definition from a flat file into the database. The upload mode is useful to someone who is developing a workflow process

Specify the full path and name of the file that you want to download a process definition to, or upgrade or upload a process definition from.
Item Type
If you set Mode to "Download", use the List button to choose the item type for the process definition you want to download.

How to compile workflow in oracle apps
How to compile workflow in oracle apps

Specify the full path and name of the file that you want to download a process definition to, or upgrade or upload a process definition from.
Item Type
If you set Mode to "Download", use the List button to choose the item type for the process definition you want to download.

How to compile workflow in oracle apps


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