Friday 15 May 2020

Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role

Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role

In this post , We will be discuss about Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role. Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role is required , when we are going to implement the Oracle Fusion for the organization. Implementation Consultant Role have all the required access to create the organization structure in oracle fusion application. Using Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role we can Create new Chart of Account Structure , Legal Entity , Ledger , Business Unit configuration in oracle fusion applications. We must have the Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role if we want to implement the Oracle Fusion. Here below is the complete detail about Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role and how we can assign this role.

Steps to assign the Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role

Step 1:- The first Step in the Implementation to create the required access for the Implementation. Here below, creating new Implementation User, that has access to Implement Oracle Financials in Oracle Fusion.

Step1: - To Create a New User, we need to go to the Navigation as below:

Tools è Security Console è Users è Add User Account

Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role
Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role

Step 2:- 
Step 2: - Here below, we are creating the User Account in fusion application for Implementation User.

This user is not attached to any Employee, that’s why we have kept the associated Person Type ‘None’.
In Our Case, we have kept the Implementation User Account name as ‘Finance.SuperUser’. We can give any name as per the Requirement.

Now Click on Add Role
Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role
Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role

Step 3:- 

In Add Role, select the ‘Application Implementation Consultant’ Role as below and add to this User.

Role Name : Application Implementation Consultant

Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role
Oracle Fusion Implementation Consultant Role


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